
Monday, June 13, 2011

Cure For Cancer Confirmed: Dr. Burzynski's Cure

Dr. Burzynskie's decades of Cancer research and treatment has kept many people alive after they were told they would die of terminal Cancer. This man alone has brought the FDA, National Cancer Institute, and big pharma companies to their knees, for they did not want the truth to come out. Years have passed and he continues to cure people of Cancer. Please I urge you to watch this video. I will be available to watch through June 20, 2011.

Friday, January 28, 2011

How To Eat To Prevent Cancer

You don't need supplements to prevent cancer — look to the food you eat every day to pack in all the healthy nutrients you need.

To complete this How-To you will need:

Sources of isothiocyanate
Green tea
Sources of folate
Brazil nuts
Omega-3-rich fish
Asian mushrooms
Broccoli sprouts
Macadamia nuts

Step 1: Pick some blackberries

Pick up some blackberries; they contain twice the antioxidant content of blueberries. Strawberries, cranberries, and raspberries are cancer-fighters, too.

Step 2: Spice up your life

Curry lovers, rejoice! Turmeric, the spice that gives the popular Indian dish its yellow hue, inhibits the development of cancer. Ginger runs a close second, followed by cinnamon.

Step 3: Eat your broccoli

Eat your broccoli. It contains isothiocyanate, a compound that fights several cancers. While Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, and arugula also have ITCs, broccoli is king because it has a particularly potent kind called sulforaphane.

Tip: Broccoli sprouts have the highest concentration of sulforaphane.

Step 4: Eat & drink your greens

Munch on watercress and drink green tea. Both increase the amount of cancer-fighting antioxidants in your blood, and watercress protects your DNA from changes that can trigger cancer.

Step 5: Enjoy asparagus

Enjoy a bunch of asparagus; it contains the B vitamin folate, which may reduce the risk of several cancers. Other good sources of folate are orange juice, lentils, spinach, peanuts, and broccoli.

Step 6: Go nuts

Go nuts — as long as they're Brazil nuts. They contain selenium, which fights cancer cells. Go for the unshelled ones, which have more selenium. But limit yourself to one large or two small freshly-shelled nuts per day, as too much selenium is toxic.

Tip: Macadamia nuts contain almost as much selenium as Brazil nuts.

Step 7: Order the fish

Eat fish a few of times a week. An Italian study found that people who eat fish twice a week reduce their risk of developing several cancers by 30% to 50%. Go with Omega-3-rich fish like salmon, sardines, mackerel, and tuna.

Step 8: Reek of garlic

Indulge in garlicky foods. Fans of this pungent bulb have a lower risk of stomach and colon cancer because cooked garlic inhibits cancer cells from growing.

Step 9: Don't fear fungus

Consume more Asian mushrooms — in lab tests, shitakes repressed cancer cell growth. Also try maitake, zhu ling, enoki, and red reishi mushrooms.

Step 10: Eat an apple a day

An apple a day may keep the oncologist away. Studies have found that when pulverized apple skins were placed in a petri dish with colon cancer cells, the cells' growth was inhibited by an impressive 43%. So don't peel before eating!

Step 11: Fill up on flax

Incorporate flaxseed into your diet. In a Canadian study, women diagnosed with breast cancer who ate a daily flaxseed muffin for 40 days showed a statistically significant reduction in the size of their tumor compared with a control group.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Gaba and L-theanine

Green-tea Pictures, Images and Photos

For people who suffer from anxiety attacks, high blood pressure, palpitations, headaches, even people with seizures and Cancer can now look into a natural solution to big pharma's medication.
Gaba is found in green tea and is tremendously beneficial to people who suffer from these related illnesses. Gaba induces relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety, and increases focus. For some people, chronic anxiety seriously interferes with their ability to function in social or workplace settings. Low levels of Gaba, gamma-aminobutyric acid, may be a contributing factor because Gaba deficiencies can negatively affect an individual's ability to manage even the most low level stressful situations.

While many people diagnosed with anxiety disorders take prescription medications such as Valium, Xanax or Ativan, benzodiazepine drugs that stimulate Gaba receptors, these drugs often produce unwanted side effects and over time, can become less effective until the dose is increased.

L-theanine, a naturally occurring amino acid found in green tea, raises Gaba levels and has few if any side effects. L-theanine creates a calm feeling in people without the drowsiness many anti-anxiety medications have, and in almost a paradoxical affect, L-theanine also improves mental clarity and focus.

L-theanine is also know to reduce the size of tumors by reducing stress levels in the body making it easier for the immune system to strengthen, thus fight harder.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

CDC and ADA Advise to Stop Using Fluoride

Fluoride (poison) Pictures, Images and Photos

For decades the US had had a strong position regarding the use of fluoride on the public. About 200 million Americans live in areas that fluoridate their water. But how much fluoride is too much? In kids, dental fluorosis can alter the appearance of developing teeth. Parents who use fluoride water with formula give their babies 100 to 200 times more fluoride than cows or breast milk. The Journal of the American Dental Association has now changed their position on fluoride so it seems. Are there more cases of discolored or badly damaged teeth due to fluorosis coming out? Maybe because the CDC is also weighing in advising parents to stay away from fluoridated water issuing this statement "Recent evidence suggests that mixing powdered milk or liquid infant formula concentrate with fluoridated water on a regular basis may increase the chance of a child developing...enamel fluorosis." CDC May 28, 2010.

The Journal of American Dental Association Oct. 14, 2010

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dandelion Root Makes Cancer cells "Commit Suicide"

Oncologist Dr. Caroline Hamm was interested in why 2 of her patients refused to take any more chemotherapy sessions. Improvement in the 2 patients had astonished Dr's. When asked what they were taking, the 2 responded "Dandelion tea."

What these people had discovered was something that Cancer researchers had ignored, but now studies have shown that Dandelion extract "makes Cancer cells commit suicide" University of Windsor has been making incredible discoveries.

How did they make the Dandelion tea? They supposedly took Dandelions from their backyards (with the knowledge that Ontario does not use pesticides.) Took the whole plant out of the ground, cleaned it, then cut off the root. The rest of the plant is not used only the root. The root is then placed in boiling water, then taken like a tea.

Who knew that those pretty little flowers would one day help cure Cancer.
